Saturday, May 3

I'm slowly, slowly ...

Recovering from this!

I was told by the Tit Tar Sifu during my visit to the Chinese message parlor that my nerve was overlapped, could be due to the wrong sleeping position or the long hours sitting in front of the computer while at work.

I realized that the condition got worse when I have sprained the same spot again! The nerve actually was connected from my neck till my shoulder and all the way to my arm and middle finger. Ouch!

Certainly need a great length of time to recover according to the Tit Tar Sifu. My shoulder is slowly recovering, but it is still swollen till now~! So I need to be extra careful when I carry heavy stuff (using heavy lappie everyday) and also the position when I'm trying to take something using my right hand! No doubt, there are some food that I need to avoid too~! No choice but gotta follow!

Thanks Daling Frag for accompanying me all the while when I go for my treatment, and always remind me to avoid those food :D


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