On a wonderful early Sunday morning (I forgot exactly when it was), we went for an interesting activity - fishing - together with my parents. The place that we're about to fish is located somewhere within inner Serdang village, some kilometers away from South City Plaza area.
Back then when I was a young brat, I used to follow my dad and uncle Phil (their favourite pasttime) into alienated places in the woods and swamps looking for wildlife lakes and ponds to do some hardcore angling. Yes, that's right ANGLING, sounds pro right? I know I'm not one anyways. Here's looking at how Wikipedia define it for newbies...
"Angling is a method of fishing by means of an "angle" (hook). The hook is usually attached by a line to a fishing rod. A bite indicator such as a float is sometimes used. The rod is usually fitted with a fishing reel that functions as a mechanism for storing, retrieving and paying out the line. The hook can be dressed wit lures or baits. Angling is a principal method of sport fishing."
Besides fishing being a rewarding sport... well if you get the fish, it's worth the time it takes to cast a line, relaxing while enjoying the peaceful surrounding. I believe fishing helps to get things out of your head, and keeps you calm. In my countless years of fishing (lol!), I've learned about patience, relaxing, and how to enjoy nature.
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
After spending some time looking for the place, we finally found it, which is actually a man-made fishing pond hidden and surrounded by trees
The place's filled with anglers by the time we got there. We immediately start unpacking and begin our angling mission
Mum & Dad - both avid anglers and seriously good at it especially me papa. If I'm not wrong, I think they're challenging each other on catching the most fishes at that time. Talk about serious competition, huh
That's my secondary fishing tool aka "secret" weapon (with the hook and fishing line tied to a big stone). There's also a pebble acting as an indicator that moves should any small fishes bite or pull the bait. Dun play-play, I'm good at this
And here I'm being joined by 2 dragonflies while I'm half asleep focusing on my angling technique and patiently waiting to strike a gigantic fish
Our catch of the day - a total of 9 fishes. The big ones are by caught by my parents. I think Dad almost hit the jackpot, a competition where cash prize is given those who catch the heaviest fish end of the day.
Usually in fishing ponds like this, you'll find breeds like Patin (Silver Catfish), Keli, Tai Dau Pok (Big Head Carp) and 'Fei Jaus' (?). There are different techniques and baits which are used to catch different kind of breeds. It all depends on the area you're fishing in
Here's my catch with my 'secret' weapon. These fishes are 'Fei Jaus' which I named Lampard, Gerrard and Fabregas. Tough looking but easy weaklings, waiting to be fried and eaten!
What's dangerous and hurts most in fishing? When I was young, I was taught to bait my own hook. There was once when I've accidently kicked the fishing rod on it standing position, it felt down causing the freaking hook to be pulled thus it pierced into my finger flesh! All this happened when worms are attached to the hook. The pain's crucifying... and digusting.
Anyways, nowadays it's hard to find for an authentic natural fishing spots, with many disappearing due the uncontrolled pacy land developments and mushrooming of housing areas everywhere for the past decade. Damn those people-in-charge to hell for exploiting forest lands of mother nature! There used to be tons of good fishing lakes in Klang Valley area, but now it's all gone. Instead, you'll find loads of articifial ponds and fish/prawn fishing shops everywhere, especially within Serdang Village area.
Those were the days of good ol' outdoor natural fishing, but at least the fishing hobby still lives on. Enough of ranting, I'm itching for one soon!