Monday, May 4


Gosh, time realy flies fast I'd say. 

It's back to Monday blues on work after a long 3-days off. 

The Lee Hom live concert in Malaysia last week was quite entertaining, even though I couldn't understand most of the songs' meaning but thankfully he sang some of popular tunes. Anyways, it's worth watching... well since he's someone's favourite idol. Thanks again for tix, dear!

Amount of work task and responsibility are gradually growing day by day. Currently, I'm still busy with the closing of May's magazine alongside with the rest of my colleagues. God, wish I've more time (as in days) to service to my clients throughout the entire day man.

Just got to know that Feebz will be away to Taiwan for an expo for almost a week! That's sad for me, but deep inside I'm feeling very happy for her as she can travel to Taiwan at the same time show her China-man bosses there on how good she can perform in her work. Good job and make sure enjoy what you are doing currently.

Back to work, cant wait to leave office though.

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